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Who are we? We are so glad you asked! We are just a gal and a guy that met at a classy (not at all) Karaoke bar 11 years ago, got married 3 years ago, and had a baby 1 year ago! 


We decided Christmas was getting boring with just the two of us, so we decided that in January of 2015 we would start trying. We figured it would surely take us sometime to figure it out, being that getting pregnant is actually MORE difficult then they let on in health class in High School. Yeah... we got pregnant in March 2015. 


We are working actors/ comedians/ writers who have been creating content for years. So we thought, well, we just created a baby, we are sure going to get some good material here. And we did. So, here's our newest endeavor PARENTHOOD. Come along with us on this journey as we try to figure out what the hell we are doing. We hope you enjoy.


Renee & Ben

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